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Halle – Riebeckplatz
Station “Riebeckplatz” (north and west tracks)
Halle – Franckestraße
(Obere) Franckestraße, Station “Am Leipziger Turm” und rundrum.
The East German traffic mannekin is omnipresent. Most new traffic lights have it (again).
Station “Franckeplatz”
Station “Glauchaer Platz”
Wartburg car
Halle – Zentrum
Rund ums mdr-Sendehaus.
Hallmarkt (Salt market), Göbelbrunnen and Marienkirche (Western towers)
Marienkirche (Eastern towers), unfortunately under repairs
Burg Giebichenstein
Station “Talstraße”
Nostalgic traffic light (including bicycle)
Fastfood box colored like the trams.
Halle – Rabeninsel/Pulverweide(n) and Südpark
Full view of Urtica dioica
Macro view of Galium aparine
Macro view of a Helix pomatia
Tatra T4D-C, refurbished 3rd generation (introduced around 2007)
“Am Kleinen Teich”
Bulldozed between fall 2007 and May 2008
The typical garden-within-4-blocks
Way up to the “Indianerberg”
“Indianerberg” – reason for its name is a playground on top (not seen here – I did not bother to go that way)
Fahrradständer – mal Ostdeutsch
This is how the original non-refurbished blocks look like
These lucky dudes have WiMAX-based Internet
(Alte) Einkaufspassage Neustadt
Am Gastronom
For the elders
“Taubenbrunnen”, it is even in operation today!
The buildings' concrete already collapses by itself (“quick” concrete only holds for 40-50 years; this was built in the 1960s)
Entrance to the “Tunnelbahnhof” (subterranean station)
View from the station southwards and northwards. Built like an air raid shelter.
“Morgens halb 10 in Deutschland...”
More places
Local time: 17:16. Distance ahead: 0.83 km
Tatra T3/T4D tramcar at Riebeckplatz station
Still lots of construction here
Don't know what to call your street names? Just prepend “verlängerte” (enlonged) and...
Hubertusplatz, “Heide” station
Merseburg, 2008-05-04
Near the Northern Gardens. No 10 years ago this was all farm land. [de] Bei den Gärten (am Stadion). Vor nicht mal 10 Jahren war das alles noch Farmland.
Traces of history
Macro view of a <i>Pyrrhocoris apterus</i> (de: Gemeine Feuerwanze, en: Firebug)
Seems like it got too hot for this one
Spring (Quelle) at Stadtpark Merseburg – still water though
It really starts to flow here
Remnants of a train bridge (no other rails anywhere near) – this bridge is stray for as long as 1987
So this is the proof this track was abandoned long ago
Once upon a time, a DDR Konsumladen was located here (up to perhaps 1994?) / Lindenstraße
This tower also exists since at least mid-1980s, but I still do not know its original purpose
Alberichstraße (built circa 1920) – removed in late 2007
A bit of green here and there
You still see the street lamps
Merseburg – Gotthardsteich
Westside Gotthardsteich
Chinese restaurant “Dynastie” – recommended
Merseburg – Zentrum
This place was commonly called “Hölle” (Hell) and I seem to remember even the station had this name – until they later changed it to “Marienstraße”. (As of 2011: it's just “Zentrum” now.)