Notes on photo sphere/panoramic EXIF metadata
- Google's EXIF/XMP metadata tag specification for panoramic images
- Panorama images with sky are to have a negative value for the CroppedAreaTopPixels tag. (The panoramic viewer of Facebook ignores the value altogether, though, and assumes the horizon in the middle of the picture.)
- If a camera or software normally produces panoramic images with cylindrical projection, then doing a vertical capture actually produces a transverse cylindrical image. There is no standardized value for the EXIF ProjectionType field to cover this. (One option is to reproject them to equirectangular — which, again, is not very well supported.)
- Facebook's document on what tags to set
- The Facebook web interface insists that FullPanoHeightPixels be half the size of FullPanoWidthPixels. Else you get “no new photos were uploaded”.
/ Tags: Photo.
Empirical Experiments, Film. There is a relation between series length and amount of plot-relevant dialogue per time unit, averaged over the entire series. The latter falls of exponentially with increasing number of episodes in a show. Or in simple terms: long-running shows are needlessy stretched. Conversely, it has shown itself that simple shows are potentially never-ending. As Wikipedia article authors propound, the “open-ended nature of the narrative, with stories spanning several episodes” is a key ingedrient to a soap opera.—Considering that, Bleach (360+), Pokémon (730+), etc., and even the WWE eps, follow such a soapy pattern, since the core pattern has been, and continues to be the same all along. Posted 2012-04-07 02:04 / link