Notes on photo sphere/panoramic EXIF metadata
- Google's EXIF/XMP metadata tag specification for panoramic images
- Panorama images with sky are to have a negative value for the CroppedAreaTopPixels tag. (The panoramic viewer of Facebook ignores the value altogether, though, and assumes the horizon in the middle of the picture.)
- If a camera or software normally produces panoramic images with cylindrical projection, then doing a vertical capture actually produces a transverse cylindrical image. There is no standardized value for the EXIF ProjectionType field to cover this. (One option is to reproject them to equirectangular — which, again, is not very well supported.)
- Facebook's document on what tags to set
- The Facebook web interface insists that FullPanoHeightPixels be half the size of FullPanoWidthPixels. Else you get “no new photos were uploaded”.
/ Tags: Photo.
A new system
[Updated May 7 2012]. (by hxtools sysinfo) [ares] Linux 3.1.1 sparc64 | 24-thr
UltraSparc T1 (Niagara) 1000MHz | Load: 0.05 Tasks: 302 | Mem: 1824/7985MB |
Disk: 11201/12835GB
— has a nice ring to it, in the midst of an
x86-filled world.
The CPU draws 72 W in idle (according to SC), eight RAM banks another 16.5 (SC), and another 5.5 for the rest of the system (disk), for a total of 94 W measured at the wall socket. Under load, the CPU goes up by ~20 W and the RAM banks 1–2 W.
It is always interesting to see what's in the Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T1000 (6-core/24-thread configuration). The black Fujitsu front bevel also looks a lot more awesome than the silvery Sun/Oracle plating.
- /proc/cpuinfo
- lspci output
- ALOM boot log
- POST log
- Kernel boot log
- OpenSUSE boot log
- ALOM upgrade log
Posted 2009-11-21 11:11 / Tags: Hardware, Linux, Sparc. / link